Mike Rogers accused of protecting Hillary Clinton in Michigan Senate primary ad

Businessman Sandy Pensler is accusing former Rep. Mike Rogers, his opponent in the Republican primary for Michigan’s open Senate seat, of protecting former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the House’s Benghazi investigation.

The Pensler campaign released an ad Monday claiming that Rogers, who investigated the deadly 2012 terrorist attack as then-chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, sided with Clinton after militants stormed the American Consulate and a separate CIA compound.

The committee did not find evidence of the State Department issuing a “stand down” order at the center of the allegations after a two-year investigation into the assault that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and two others.

“In Benghazi, I was injured. I had over 25 holes in me,” former Marine Mark Geist says in the 30-second ad. “My arm was about severed off. We each testified the truth, and
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