Truckers rail against new EPA rules mandating transition to ‘useless’ EV big rigs

Truck drivers slammed the Biden administration’s new regulations that crack down on heavy-duty vehicle emissions, calling electric vehicle trucks “useless.” 

At the end of last month, the Environmental Protection Agency announced new rules targeting heavy-duty vehicles as part of President Joe Biden’s ambitious efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions. The regulations, which won’t begin until 2026, have left American truckers reeling, claiming that EV batteries are not a suitable substitution for the conditions that big rigs endure on the road. 

“Even if they subsidized the cost of the electric vehicle 100%, I still would refuse because I still would go broke,” Mike Nichols, a truck driver from Wisconsin, told Fox News. “That’s how useless they are. If they gave me one of these things, I still wouldn’t take it.”

Electric vehicles can’t
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