Three’s a crowd: One way history shows RFK Jr.’s popularity spells doom for Biden

President Joe Biden looks nervous about what effect Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is having on his chances for reelection. When he threw down the gauntlet to offer terms of debate to former President Donald Trump, he made it clear he wanted to keep the insurgent independent as far away from the debate stage as possible. 

For his part, Trump was happy to oblige, agreeing to Biden’s demand that their battle of wits be a “head-to-head comparison of the two candidates with a chance of winning the election.” 

It’s difficult to tell whom Kennedy is hurting more on his trek around the country in search of ballot access in all 50 states. He’s only secured ballot access in Utah, though his campaign has claimed he’s qualified for several others. 

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks to supporters during
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