In some states, breaking the law is still illegal

If you think it might be demoralizing to be a police officer in a city where the district attorney doesn’t prosecute criminals and the mayor cuts your department’s budget to give welfare to illegal immigrants, you’re right … and the sheriff of Laramie County, Wyoming, is looking to capitalize.

Elected on a campaign promise to “address disproportionate incarceration of people of color” in 2016, Denver District Attorney Beth McCann has since established herself as one of the softest-on-crime district attorneys in the country

Violent crime was already rising when McCann took office, but it has only gotten worse since she made equity, not security, the top priority of her office. According to FBI data, no city larger than 500,000 people has seen a faster rise in violent crime over the last decade than Denver. 

(Illustration by Tatiana Lozano /
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