Rick Scott launches second run to replace McConnell as GOP leader

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) will launch a second run for GOP leader in the fall, according to a letter sent to his colleagues on Wednesday.

“I have decided to run for Senate Republican leader because I believe now is a moment we need dramatic change,” Scott said in the letter, obtained by the Washington Examiner. “I believe that our voters want us to use this leadership election to make a choice to upend the status quo in Washington.”

His entrance into the race to succeed Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who announced his retirement from leadership in February, gives the right flank of the conference a candidate to rally behind.

However, Scott framed the leadership election, to be held via secret ballot sometime after November, as a chance to reflect the will of voters.

Like his 2022 run for leader, Scott critiqued McConnell’s
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