Rep. Ken Calvert narrowly trails Democrat in toss-up California House race: Poll

EXCLUSIVE — Democrat Will Rollins holds a narrow lead over 30-year incumbent Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA), according to internal polling commissioned by the Rollins campaign and first shared with the Washington Examiner.

Rollins, a former counterterrorism prosecutor, leads Calvert by 1 point among voters in California’s 41st Congressional District, the survey found, as national Democrats look to flip the key House seat and take control of the lower chamber next year. Among likely voters in the district, 45% said they’d back Rollins compared to 44% who said they’d vote for Calvert. Another 9% remain undecided. 

Internal polling is generally regarded with a degree of skepticism; however, the race is one of the most competitive of the 2024 election cycle. The two candidates squared off in 2022, with Calvert winning by less than 5 points.

A “challenger running slightly ahead of a long-time incumbent at
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