Democrats split on bill to ban noncitizens from voting in DC elections

The House passed a bill on Thursday to ban noncitizens from voting in local elections in Washington, D.C., after several dozen Democrats broke with party leadership to support the measure

Lawmakers voted 262-143 to approve the legislation, which would overturn a local law giving noncitizens access to elections including those for members of the city council. Fifty-two Democrats ultimately joined all Republicans despite efforts from Democratic leadership to quash the proposal. 

The vote comes one year after House Republicans made a separate attempt to ban noncitizens from voting in the district, with the measure passing by a similar margin. More Democrats voted for the bill this time around, as only 42 voted in favor last year when it passed in a 260-162 vote.

However, the legislation never made it to the floor in the Democratic-led Senate and is not
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