Mystery deepens after new PAC uses loopholes to hide donors in Oregon primary

The wait to find out who the donors are behind an obscure political group that has paid $3.2 million to attack Susheela Jayapal, an Oregon commissioner running for Congress and the older sister of progressive Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), is over.

But the mystery has deepened.

Susheela Jayapal, a former Multnomah County Commissioner (center), is one of a handful of candidates running for Oregon’s 3rd Congressional District Thurs., April 11, 2024. Dave Killen / The Oregonian/The Oregonian via AP) /The Oregonian via AP)

That’s because the highly-anticipated federal filing of the Voters for Responsive Government was blank.

The group, which formed as a political action committee in April, got around FEC rules by taking in all of its donations against Jayapal in the three weeks before the
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