Johnson loses three McCarthy-era policy staffers to lobbying firm

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) will see a shake-up in his policy team after three leading members of the unit plan to leave at the end of May for a high-powered lobbying firm based in Washington, D.C., and around the world.

Policy aides Brittan Specht, Jason Yaworske, and Preston Hill are leaving Capitol Hill to work for Michael Best Strategies, the speaker’s office confirmed to the Washington Examiner.

The loss of the three staffers, all of whom also worked under former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, is significant to Johnson’s policy shop — particularly as all three have been hands-on with negotiations, which, according to Punchbowl News, is unique among House GOP leadership.

“Because the 118th Congress became the first in history to vote to change Speakers midstream, these friends committed to assist us for the first six months
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