The bizarre absolutism of the always-only-ever-anti-Trumpers

For four years, many of us critics of former President Donald Trump took flak from a certain class of former conservatives that I’ll call the always-only-ever-anti-Trumpers.

A wide array of people on the Right refused to vote for Trump in the general elections of 2016 and 2020 and regularly declared in public that Trump was fundamentally unfit for the job.

Some of us, however, also pointed out when Trump did something right — such as appointing good judges, cutting middle-class taxes, stopping former President Barack Obama’s war on nuns, and managing to avoid starting a war of choice in the Arab world. Also, we tried to correct Trump’s critics when they were wrong or dishonest. For that, and for our criticism of Hillary Clinton and President Joe Biden, we were called “anti-anti”-Trump or
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