Man pulls gun on pastor giving a sermon at church

A pastor escaped without any harm after a gunman tried to shoot him during a service at a church in western Pennsylvania.

Pastor Glenn Germany was giving a sermon at Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Sunday when an unknown gunman walked up to the pastor, pointed a gun at him, and tried to shoot him, WTAE reported.

On Sunday, at a church near Pittsburgh, a man pulled a gun on a pastor giving his sermon

— Chris Tremoglie – MEDIA (@chriswtremo) May 6, 2024

“He pulled the gun; it clicked,” Germany said. “You heard him shoot it. God jammed the gun so the bullet didn’t come out.”

“He stood up and he smiled at me, and it was just a smile,” Germany said. 

“He comes to right here, and then all of a sudden, that’s when I see him pull the
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