Super Tuesday: Nikki Haley stops Trump sweep and stays in race — for now

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley‘s campaign described the mood at her private Super Tuesday watch party as “jubilant,” but her decision not to host a public event and deliver an address sent a different message.

As the former South Carolina governor surrounded herself with her staff in Charleston, questions swirled around her regarding her campaign’s future, particularly as friendlier states, such as Maine, Massachusetts, Virginia, and Utah, were called for former President Donald Trump.

Republican primary voters in 15 states determined 854 GOP delegates on Super Tuesday, with Trump “all but” claiming the party’s 2024 nomination “by the end of the night,” according to Colby College government professor emeritus Sandy Maisel, based in Maine. Trump needs 1,215 delegates to become the Republican standard-bearer, with Haley taking the majority of Vermont’s for herself, her only win of the night.

“Frankly, I think he’s had it secured for some
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