Larry Elder throws support behind recall effort against Gavin Newsom

Conservative radio host Larry Elder threw his support behind the recall effort against Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA), blasting the Democrat for passing “job-killing bills.”

Elder said even if Rescue California, a conservative activist group, fails to obtain the required 1.38 million signatures by May to put the measure on the November ballot, the recall effort will shed light on Newsom’s policies. 

“It will point out to people in the other 49 states — about the crime, about the homelessness, about how he’d taken a surplus and made it to a deficit, about the number of people who are leaving California, and about the job-killing bills he signed,” Elder said on Forbes Newsroom.

“Recently, he just signed a bill to raise the minimum wage for some workers to $50 an hour, effective in April.
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