Kennedy: Like woman-abusing junkie uncle, like nephew

In the gritty reboot the overwhelming majority of the country does not want, the 81-year-old President Joe Biden, recently deemed unfit to stand prosecution for alleged criminal handling of classified documents, apparently will face off against the 77-year-old former President Donald Trump, who has been charged by prosecutors with that crime, as well as 90 others. Naturally, the independent deluded enough to believe he can save us from the inevitable is the 70-year-old Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Keen to capitalize on the infirm incumbent’s absence from the usual presidential interview prior to the Super Bowl, a political action committee tied to the Kennedy camp spent $7 million to air a commercial repurposing the original and iconic 1960 ad that catapulted then-Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kennedy to the presidency. This ad replaced pictures of the 35th president with
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