Supreme Court questions whether gun bump stock ban should be enacted by Congress

The Supreme Court grappled on Wednesday over the legality of a federal ban imposed under former…

Texas man takes ATF bump stock ban challenge to Supreme Court

The Supreme Court on Wednesday will hear a case surrounding whether the federal government can ban…

Longtime NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre found liable in corruption trial

A New York jury on Friday found that the National Rifle Association and its top leaders, including former CEO Wayne LaPierre,…

‘Do states matter?’: Missouri attorney general says this Second Amendment case could boost states’ rights

EXCLUSIVE — Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey said Friday that a Biden administration challenge to a…

Gun Owners of America announces ‘premiere’ Second Amendment convention

The pro-Second Amendment group Gun Owners of America announced Thursday their first-ever summit to be held…

U Kansas researchers: Racism doesn’t have much impact on people’s gun views

(The Center Square) – How do racial views impact Americans’ views of gun control and gun…

Prominent New York gun-maker abandons blue state and heads for Georgia

A long-standing gun factory in New York’s Mohawk Valley is leaving the Empire State and relocating…

Georgia lawmakers dangle tax breaks in exchange for gun safety

Georgia lawmakers are pushing legislation that would incentivize gun safety by greenlighting millions of dollars in…