James Carville fears ’80-year-old guys’ Biden, Trump causing youth voter disengagement

Political guru James Carville said in a Sunday morning radio interview that he fears this year’s geriatric presidential campaign is turning off young voters.

“The lack of enthusiasm among young people for public policy, or public service, or being involved in the public square, is quite disheartening,” Carville said.

Carville, known for his political takes and for his stewardship of Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 presidential campaign, said the advanced ages of President Joe Biden and presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump are partly to blame.

“[Young people] feel like things are not working for them,” Carville said on the Cats Roundtable radio show. “They feel like — two 80-year-old guys that don’t mean much to them. And I am really afraid we’re going to lose a generation
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