Biden allies launch new Super PAC aimed at boosting youth vote: Report

President Joe Biden‘s allies have launched a new Super PAC aimed at improving his standing among the younger voting demographic.

The new group, Won’t PAC Down, hired Gen Z and millennial writers, directors, and producers to craft content engineered to win over voters under 30, Politico reported. The PAC also includes some Biden alums, including John Della Volpe, who worked in Biden’s 2020 campaign polling team.

Though only revealed now, the PAC has been meeting for the past half year. The group expects to raise and spend $20 to $25 million.

The Hollywood writers enlisted for the endeavor include writers of shows such as Saturday Night Live, Parks and Recreation, and Big Mouth. The leader of the writer’s room, former Crooked Media head writer Travis Helwig, acknowledged the difficulty of their task and the perception of awkwardness around
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