Anti-Israel protesters surround White House as pepper spray and smoke flares deployed

Law enforcement officers used pepper spray on some protesters taking part in a pro-Palestinian rally outside the White House on Saturday.

Protesters clad in keffiyeh began gathering outside the presidential residence in Washington, D.C., Saturday morning. Their signs called on President Joe Biden to “free Palestine” and “end the siege on Gaza now.” Others stood in a line draped in a two-mile-long red banner around the White House to symbolize the “red line” Israel crossed when they began the operation in Rafah, a southern city in Gaza where many Palestinians have fled to.

Protestors begin to form a “red-line” around the White House, to represent the “red-line” crossed upon Israel’s military offensive in Rafah

— Charlie Ehrman (@EhrmanCharlie) June 8, 2024

Some protesters threw smoke flares just
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