Trump believes he should run away with election but ‘Democrats vote out of habit’

Former President Donald Trump expressed confusion as to why he wasn’t set to win the presidential election in a landslide, suggesting that it was due to Democrats voting “out of habit.”

In an interview on Dr. Phil Primetime on Merit Street Media, Trump sought to explain why he wasn’t polling well with some groups. In his view, it was due to Democratic voters voting “out of habit.”

“Well, I think it’s, to a certain extent, it’s habit, not necessarily against me,” he explained. “I think Democrats vote out of habit. I’ll give you an example — I was the best president for Israel ever. Golan Heights, all of the things I did for Israel, and yet I get less than 50% of the votes. It’s shocking to me. And Biden’s a disaster. And Obama was a disaster for Israel, with the
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