Over two-thirds of public fear violence following 2024 election results: Poll

A recent poll found a majority of the country is afraid that the Nov. 5 election results could spark violence.

Reuters and Ipsos conducted a survey with nearly 4,000 respondents earlier this month and found that 68% reported a fear of violent retributions from extremists based on the results of the 2024 election. This poll comes almost four years after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot that followed former President Donald Trump’s loss to President Joe Biden. The two will be going head-to-head again this November.

Democratic respondents were more likely to anticipate violence, as 85% reported being afraid. Sixty-five percent of Republican respondents reported that they feared violence. Only 15% disagreed with the statement that they were concerned about post-election violence.

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, more than 1,400
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