Has Georgia’s ‘absolute mess’ Fulton County gotten its act together on elections?

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis‘s victory party Tuesday was noteworthy not just for a surprise guest but for the time she addressed her supporters: less than two hours after polls closed.

Willis boasted shortly before 9 p.m. Eastern time that she’d be drinking Grey Goose following her primary win, but the party may have gotten started early in part due to Georgia‘s controversial election integrity laws.

“The state and Fulton County have been working diligently together to improve processes in the county,” said David Becker, founder of the Center for Election Innovation and Research. “In fact, statewide, I am seeing this in both blue and red counties. I credit the partnership, particularly between the secretary of state’s office and the counties.”

Willis’s landslide win over Christian Wise Smith was Read more…

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