What are the flags Alito is under fire for?

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has come under intense pressure from Democrats for the flying of two flags at his residences.

He first came under fire after an upside-down American flag was spotted at his home in Virginia. Days later, reports about him flying an “An Appeal to Heaven” flag over his vacation home reignited calls for his recusal from various Jan. 6-related cases before the court. Critics claimed the flags are symbols of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot and far-right extremists.

Here is everything to know about the two flags.

Upside-down American flag

The practice of inverting a flag dates back centuries, starting as a maritime tradition. According to HD Flagpoles, the practice was an early form of an SOS signal, a universally recognized way of expressing that the ship was in danger or needed rescue.
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