OpenAI mimics dystopia. Scarlett Johansson fights back

There are two types of people in the world when it comes to technology. The ones who watch a dystopian movie such as Her, the 2013 release about the relationship between a lonely man (Joaquin Phoenix) and the voice in his phone (Scarlett Johannson), and see it as a stark warning of where we’re headed. And then there are the ones who watch the same movie and see it as aspirational.

You and I are the former, but the tech lords such as OpenAI CEO Sam Altman are the latter. At least according to Johansson, anyway.

Earlier this week, the actress released a statement alleging that Altman and his company OpenAI copied her voice for ChatGPT without her permission. Johansson said that nine months ago Altman approached her, proposing that she allow her voice to
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