Ogles introduces legislation targeting convicted protesters’ loan forgiveness eligibility

EXCLUSIVE — Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) is introducing the “No Loan Forgiveness for Hamas Supporters Act,” which would revoke student loan forgiveness eligibility for those convicted of “an unlawful activity” on college campuses.

The bill will “prohibit any person convicted of an unlawful activity on or after October 7, 2023, on a college campus from being eligible for public service loan forgiveness.”

“Some students who have committed crimes in the name of Hamas remain eligible for Public Service Student Loan Forgiveness,” Ogles told the Washington Examiner. “That is unacceptable. The era of rewarding young people of ill repute and hatred for American principles must end. If you think terrorizing college campuses is a good way to repay the taxpayers that blessed you with an education, it’s time for a reality check.”

The new legislation is aimed at student protesters
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