New Taiwan government condemns Chinese war games

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Taiwan has condemned China for embarking on two days of war games around the self-governing island in what the Chinese Communist Party is calling “punishment” for “separatist acts” days after Taiwan inaugurated a new democratically-elected president.

Taiwanese Deputy Foreign Minister Tien Chung-kwang denounced the joint military exercises, which started early Thursday local time and include China surrounding Taiwan with its army, navy, air force, and rocket force, as the CCP flexing “their muscles to the new government.”

“How to keep the safety and peace, security, in the Taiwan Strait is becoming a very important issue,” Tien told reporters Thursday during a briefing attended by the Washington Examiner. “That kind of action, it violates, actually it disturbs the security and prosperity in the region.”

“Taiwan, we are determined to keep the status quo,” he said. “We are not provocative. … Keep
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