Judgment Day: Biden tries to leverage his incumbency against a former president

Election Day is less than six months away, and voters have a familiar choice of Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Unless it’s The Godfather Part II, sequels rarely live up to the hype. Although it may look like a 2020 repeat, the stars are competing in a different game and under different rules. This series, Judgment Day: Why 2024 rematch won’t be any old sequel, investigates the key differences from 2020. Part Four is on Biden’s pivot from running as challenger to incumbent.

President Joe Biden likes to encourage prospective voters to compare him to former President Donald Trump and not the “Almighty” as he tries to avoid November’s general election becoming a referendum on him and his administration.

But seeking reelection is in itself an invitation to voters to evaluate his first term, from the COVID-19 pandemic
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