Daily on Energy: Democrats versus Big Oil, Granholm spars with House GOP, and Norfolk Southern settles

DEMOCRATS STEP UP ATTACK ON BIG OIL: Democrats stepped up efforts this morning to pin blame for high gas prices on oil executives. 

At a press conference this morning outside the Capitol with other members and environmentalist groups, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer blasted oil executives as colluding to raise prices – noting the Federal Trade Commission allegations that former Pioneer Natural Resources founder Scott Sheffield coordinated with OPEC+ competitors on production. 

“Instead of working to lower gas prices for Americans ahead of a busy Memorial Day weekend, Big Oil executives are huddling to find ways to keep prices high and their profits soaring,” Schumer said. 

Schumer said that he will be sending a letter to the DOJ next week calling for the department to investigate and prosecute “collusion and price fixing” that he says may have increased energy costs. 

Democrats also went after oil company support for Trump: Schumer also criticized President
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