Biden robocall scam mastermind fined $6 million for New Hampshire plot

The Federal Communications Commission issued a $6 million fine against a political consultant who sent artificial intelligence-generated robocalls impersonating President Joe Biden’s voice to voters before New Hampshire’s presidential primary

The FCC fined Steven Kramer, 54, for sending AI-generated phone calls mimicking Biden’s voice to voters and using one of the president’s signature phrases: “What a bunch of malarkey.” The calls violated federal caller ID laws. New Hampshire’s attorney general also charged Kramer with 26 criminal charges. 

“New Hampshire remains committed to ensuring that our elections remain free from unlawful interference and our investigation into this matter remains ongoing,” New Hampshire Attorney General John Formella said in a statement. “I hope that our respective enforcement actions send a strong deterrent signal to anyone who might consider interfering with elections, whether through the use of artificial
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