Texas Gov. Abbot campaigning against once-allied Republicans in an effort to embrace school vouchers

Gov. Greg Abbott’s top priority this election cycle is to help elect candidates who will support his creation of a school voucher program.

While Abbott’s party bolstered majorities in both chambers and he called special sessions to discuss school choice, the proposal was repeatedly shut down in 2023. 

Now, Abbott is campaigning against members of his own party who are against school vouchers. During the Republican primary in March, Abbott helped defeat seven incumbents and is promoting candidates in support of his agenda in runoff races next week.

“It’s just so unusual for an incumbent governor to campaign against members of his own party,” John Colyandro, a Texas lobbyist and former top aide to Abbott, told Politico. “He was the pivot around which everything turned here.”  

During a typical election year, Abbott would spend around $500,000
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