Northwestern University has taken $1 billion in foreign money from Qatar and others since 2007: Report

Northwestern University has taken at least $1 billion from foreign funders, including Qatar and Saudi Arabia, according to a report from Open the Books.

A report released Monday by federal spending watchdog Open the Books showed the school, which has seen massive pro-Palestinian protests on its campus, has been receiving large sums from Middle Eastern governments and setting up exclusive grant programs.

“Around the country, prestigious universities are succumbing to pressure from protestors who have damaged campuses, interfered with other students’ education and safety, and broadcast messages of hatred,” Adam Andrzejewski, Open the Books founder and CEO, said in a statement. “Deals like the one at Northwestern seem inexplicable — that is, until you follow the money. Qatar and others gave nearly $1 billion in foreign gifts since 2007.”

In total, the report found Northwestern
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