Newsweek walks back report of Tucker Carlson launching Russian TV show

Newsweek was forced to issue an update to an article it wrote about Tucker Carlson that claimed he launched his own show on Russian state television.

The original piece from Newsweek was titled “Tucker Carlson launches show on Russian state TV” and cited how footage of his show on X had been played on Russia 24 dubbed in the Russian language. As of Tuesday afternoon, however, the outlet has updated the piece to clarify that Carlson has made no such launch, changing the article’s title to “Tucker Carlson show aired by Russian state TV.”

“That Newsweek story is totally false,” read a statement from the Tucker Carlson Network’s head of programming given to the Washington Examiner. “Any use of our content by that channel is without legal permission.”

Likewise, TCN CEO Neil Patel wrote on
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