Antisemitic graffiti pushes University of Washington to break up anti-Israel encampment

University of Washington President Ana Mari Cauce has called for the voluntary dismantling of a pro-Palestinian encampment after antisemitic graffiti was found across campus.

Cauce said the recent graffiti was “an intentional escalation to compel the University to agree to their [the protesters] demands.” The graffiti and escalating demands from the protesters, she said, prompted her call for the tents to come down.

“The situation now is untenable,” a statement from the university reads. “I’ll reiterate: The University’s response to students’ calls for change will not be based on an encampment — there are many ways for voices to be heard that don’t require tents, violent rhetoric and vandalism.”

Threats to murder Jewish students at the University of Washington in Seattle.

— Drew Pavlou (@DrewPavlou) May 16, 2024

According to the
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