Jon Tester is co-sponsoring the Laken Riley Act after he voted against it

It’s election season for Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT), who is flip-flopping on immigration policy in a desperate attempt to protect one of his most significant electoral liabilities.

This week, Tester signed on as a co-sponsor for the Laken Riley Act, a bill that, if enacted, would require the detention and deportation of all illegal immigrants who commit the crimes of theft, burglary, larceny, or shoplifting.

The bill is named for Laken Riley, a nursing student at the University of Georgia who was killed by an illegal immigrant who had committed several crimes in the weeks and months prior.

The sponsorship of the bill is an abrupt about-face for Tester. He had previously opposed the bill when it was offered as an amendment to an appropriations bill.

“After hearing from law enforcement
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