RFK Jr has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and is only on the ballot in three states

In an effort to secure ballot access in all 50 states, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has mobilized his operations to rely more on consultants, paid petitioners, and legal action

In the beginning, Kennedy’s actions were heavily reliant on grassroots efforts and volunteers, but now, the effort to gain access to state ballots is managed by petition circulator Trent Pool and his consulting firm Accelevate 2020, the campaign’s ballot access director Nicholas Brana, and the campaign’s ballot access lawyer Paul A. Rossi. Between November and the end of March, the Kennedy campaign paid Accelevate 2020 $389,000 for campaign consulting. A supporting super PAC has spent at least $2.4 million in ballot-securing efforts.

“Ballot access is existential for any campaign. It is also essential for a healthy and prosperous democracy,” Stefanie Spear, a spokeswoman for Kennedy’s campaign, told the New
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