Low election turnout has some eying ranked choice voting for 2028

(The Center Square) – Voter turnout in last month’s presidential primary election was the lowest in 52 years. Some argue changing to ranked choice voting could increase participation. Others worry it will confuse voters.

The Illinois State Board of Elections released their official canvas of the 2024 presidential primary and found 19% voter turnout. That’s the lowest voter turnout since 1972.

The Illinois Ranked-Choice Voting and Election Systems Task Force has been meeting with an eye on bringing about ranked choice voting for the 2028 presidential primary. During their meeting Monday, Barb Laimins said while the League of Women Voters don’t have a position on ranked choice voting, they do support things to encourage more participation.

“If RCV were to be implemented in Illinois, it would also accomplish, in addition, eliminate election by minority, improve democracy by voter participation and engagement,” Laimins said.

Ranked choice voting is where voters select several candidates,
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