Will Biden’s boomer polling bump translate to senior votes in November?

As President Joe Biden‘s popularity has dipped among young voters, he’s outpacing past Democratic presidential candidates with the opposite demographic, senior citizens, who routinely vote to the right of the general electorate.

A string of polls show the president leading former President Donald Trump among the over 65 crowd, and though carrying seniors alone won’t help Biden overcome issues surrounding his 2020 base, they do offer a degree of security in battlegrounds like Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Adam Geller, a Republican pollster and CEO of National Research Inc., told the Washington Examiner that “hippie grandmas” aging into the 65 and over demographic account for the leftward swing among seniors.

“Today’s seniors are yesterday’s hippies, and so I subscribe to the theory that the Vietnam War protesters of the 1960s are today’s 65-plus voters. Young seniors let’s call them, and young
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