Marco Rubio argues attack on masculinity contributes to Trump’s growing support

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) explained that the growing support former President Donald Trump has received from Hispanic voters stems from many traditional values being under attack, including masculinity. 

Rubio explained how many Hispanic residents are also working-class voters, and that unlike President Joe Biden, Trump speaks to these voters as well as their values. Part of the shift that Trump has experienced with Hispanic voters, the Florida senator explained, is that masculinity is “embedded” in working-class values.

“If you look at what’s described as a good student, it’s someone who’s quiet, it’s someone who listens to instruction all the time, that’s not boys,” Rubio said on Fox News’s The Ingraham Angle. “Boys are rambunctious, they’re loud, they move around. It is a natural thing, it
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