Arlington police give away anti-car theft devices following 2023 carjacking surge

Arlington County police will give away anti-car theft devices twice in April after carjackings soared last year in the Washington, D.C., area. 

The county’s police department will be giving residents and those who commute and park their vehicles in Arlington $20,000 in free steering wheel locks in an effort to curb car theft ahead of the summer. In Arlington County, 90 cars have been stolen since the start of the year. Last year, nearby Washington experienced 959 carjackings, with 77% of them involving guns, according to Metropolitan Police Department data.

Since last year, similar giveaways have taken place in Washington, Baltimore, Richmond, and some areas across Maryland, specifically for Kia and Hyundai owners, whose vehicle models are among the most likely to be stolen. Arlington County car theft
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