Suspect arrested for fire started outside Sen. Bernie Sanders Vermont office

A suspect in connection to the fire set outside of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) office in Vermont has been arrested. 

Shant Soghomonian, 35, also known as Michael Soghomonian from California, was arrested in connection to “using fire to damage a building” in Sanders’s office on a high-foot traffic street in Burlington, Vermont, the Department of Justice announced Sunday.

According to court records, Soghomonian entered the building Friday morning and went to the floor where Sanders’ office is located. There, security footage allegedly showed him spraying a liquid on the outer door before using a hand-held lighter to light the area aflame.

The door frame was damaged, and sprinklers were triggered inside the building due to the fire. When firefighters arrived at the scene, they found “a fire in the vestibule between the
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