Biden’s magic number: Anti-Joe voters draw a line in the sand on protest movement

President Joe Biden‘s skeptical voters have put a number on what they think will be a successful protest vote in Wisconsin on Tuesday. 

The “uninstructed” vote, inspired by Michigan’s “uncommitted” campaign, urges Wisconsin voters to push Biden on his Israel policy to help people living in Gaza. Wisconsinites will also vote on two GOP-backed referendums that would change election laws statewide.

“The margins of our elections are so incredibly close — less than 1% in the last two presidential election cycles — so I think it would behoove the administration to pay attention,” Reema Ahmad, the lead organizer of the “Listen to Wisconsin” campaign, told the Guardian. 

Organizers of the “uninstructed” campaign are seeking to gain as many votes for their cause as Biden won the state in 2020. 

Those margins in Wisconsin were razor thin, with Biden defeating then-President
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