Baltimore representative says lack of compassion after bridge collapse is ‘sickening’

Rep. Kweisi Mfume (D-MD) said it is sickening that there is “no compassion” in the aftermath of Tuesday’s bridge collapse in Baltimore, slamming some Republicans who have blamed the event on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Mfume, whose district encompasses most of Maryland’s most populous city, appeared Saturday on MSNBC to discuss recent developments in the cleanup and rebuilding efforts after the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge with the Rev. Al Sharpton. The representative said the rerouting of traffic and subsequent closure of the Port of Baltimore has had a huge effect on the area but that the rest of the nation will feel the supply chain ramifications soon. Sharpton then asked Mfume for his thoughts on the conspiracy theories that have emerged.

“Petty minds have always come up with petty conspiracies, and
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