Youngkin endorses Trump after Super Tuesday success: ‘Stark contrast to failed leadership’

Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) endorsed former President Donald Trump for president after the defeat of all major Republican contenders.

Youngkin made his announcement after Trump’s resounding victory over rival Nikki Haley on Super Tuesday. His endorsement is the first notable one for Trump following Haley’s dropping out.

“Voters in the Commonwealth and across the country have spoken loudly for President Donald J. Trump and I endorse him for President of the United States,” Youngkin said in a statement. “His record on border security, restoring American leadership around the world, reducing taxes and lowering the cost of living for all Americans stands in stark contrast to the open borders, failed leadership on the global stage, rampant inflation and higher costs of today. It’s time to unite around strong leadership and policies that grow our great nation, not
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