Musk updates X policy on ‘misgendering’ following backlash

X owner Elon Musk significantly rolled back a newly reinstated policy preventing users from “misgendering” other users on the platform, a reversal that follows backlash from conservatives.

X updated its “Abuse and Harassment” policies on Monday to subtly change the recently added section outlining that the platform would reduce the visibility of posts that include misgendering (referring to a transgender person by pronouns with which they do not identify) or “deadnaming” (using a transgender person’s birth name against their will). The policy will now only apply in certain countries if local law requires it.

“Where required by local laws, we will reduce the visibility of posts that purposefully use different pronouns to address someone other than what that person uses for themselves, or that use a previous name that someone no longer goes by as part of their transition,” X’s new policy
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