Nikki Haley’s Super Tuesday delegate math problem

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley‘s pathway to the presidency will meet a steep speed bump on Super Tuesday.

Haley, the last candidate standing between former President Donald Trump and the GOP nomination, has refused to drop out before Super Tuesday, arguing that a significant portion of voters are demanding an alternative option to the criminally indicted front-runner.

In the early primary contests, Trump won 51% of the vote in Iowa, 54% in New Hampshire, 60% in South Carolina, and 68% in Michigan. In Haley’s eyes, the numbers are a sign of weakness for a former president and a warning that Trump can’t win in November.

However, Haley’s trouble is on Super Tuesday, when 15 states will have GOP contests, as several states won’t award delegates proportionally to the result. If Trump keeps winning the majority of the
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