What the new Wisconsin maps mean for Republicans ahead of pivotal November

Wisconsin Republicans have advanced the legislative maps proposed by Gov. Tony Evers (D-WI), but their decision has raised eyebrows, highlighting the unique dilemma they face leading up to November.

More Republicans than Democrats in the Wisconsin legislature voted to pass the maps, suggesting they might believe they can keep their majority under the revised boundaries. However, it might be less about Republicans’ confidence in the maps and more about their fears over the power of the newly Democratic-leaning state Supreme Court, viewing Evers’s map as their best option in avoiding more Democratic-favored lines.

GOP state Sen. Van Wanggaard said voting for Evers’s maps was their best option given the hand they’ve been dealt.

“Republicans were not stuck between a rock and a hard place. It was a matter of choosing to be stabbed, shot, poisoned, or led to
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