Wake up with the Washington Examiner: Voter rolls, immunity shot, and Democrats keep debating options

Mailing it in How voters got to the polls might have been as important as who…

Arizona GOP files lawsuit over more than 500,000 ‘unaccounted-for voters on the rolls’

The Arizona Republican Party and the Arizona Free Enterprise Club filed a lawsuit against Arizona Secretary…

Michigan Democrats push for investigation to disqualify Mike Rogers from ballot

Michigan Democrats are reiterating their calls for an investigation into Republican Senate candidates’ petition signatures after…

Mike Johnson warns that ‘enemies of freedom’ can vote in local DC elections

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) laid out his plans to roll back a voting law in…

Ted Cruz and Kaitlan Collins feud over ‘ridiculous’ question on voter fraud

Source: washingtonexaminer.com

Florida officials warn new DeSantis election security rule forces them to break the law

Election officials in Florida are concerned that Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R-FL) new ballot rule could force…

DC hosted voting registration training for illegal immigrants

Washington, D.C., hosted an online training camp last month to help illegal immigrants sign up to…

North Carolina could have five-year battle over voter ID law resolved soon

More than five years after the North Carolina NAACP and a few local chapters sued the…

RNC and Trump campaign to hire 100K ‘election integrity’ operatives to watch polls on Election Day

The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee announced plans to launch an “election integrity” program,…