Shawn Fain and UAW face new problems with president under investigation by federal watchdog

The United Auto Workers and the union’s President Shawn Fain scored a major victory with strikes…

Hawley snubbed by UAW in Missouri Senate race after rallying with striking workers: ‘Total joke’

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) has worked hard to showcase himself as one of the most pro-union…

Workers at Alabama Mercedes plants break string of wins for UAW by rejecting unionization

Autoworkers at two Alabama Mercedes-Benz factories voted against a move to join the United Auto Workers…

Chattanooga Volkswagen workers vote to join UAW

Volkswagen workers in Chattanooga, Tennessee, voted overwhelmingly to join the United Auto Workers union on Friday.…

Southern governors warn automobile workers against UAW’s ‘scare tactics’ pushing unionization

Just a day before workers at a Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, are scheduled to vote…